Rihanna was all about the walk and the walking, she made walking look cool. Walking is cool again now because of Rihanna. We love it. She definitely was the show vs. put on a show. The "anti-spectacle" idea is spot on.

One of my friends said the ht show was "entirely forgettable" - but I think that's just cuz they don't have a developed imagination/sense for wonder. I found myself also being a lazy viewer, probably because FOOTBALL was present on either side of the show...

**can we be done obsessing over RiRi now** 😂

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Sometimes our imaginative senses get tired and we want to indulge in something that's easy to grasp, something that requires no work on our part as the audience... and things that are dense, "flat yet real," seem unsatisfying or lacking. (The problem is, of course, with us, not the art.)

And, yes, *now* we can be done with Rihanna, but is she done with us?

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And if I had to put money on another artist who could pull off an anti-spectacle, my money's on Billie Eilish. So that's next.

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