What quality should I most look for in a potential head of state? The potential to be a stately head.
Give me a head of state who’s a humble soul with Main Character energy. Give me an architect who daydreams a better world. A vision-caster with aesthetic intuition. Someone who can see the end from the beginning and declare it so.
Give me a candidate who tells a true story.
The story doesn’t have to be real. At least not yet. It just has to be one I actually want to read again and again. One that rhymes with a reasoning soul.
Our latest presidential wannabes tell us false tales. Tales that may or may not be true in fact, but are always false in notion. Tales that betray and undermine the people and communities they supposedly represent. Such stories are shadows cast without light.
I tire of the charlatanry. Give me an icon for president.
Give me a tiny, tiny logo that opens onto a program I actually want to play around with.
Give me a logos. Give me a word.
Give me a head of state who captures and personifies something good and massive and uncapturable. Something like hope. Or virtue. Or courage. Or sanity. Or... just anything better than what we have now. Give me someone I’d follow in both charge and retreat because both are common in this life.
Give me an icon. Give me a mortal with a halo and eyes cast to the heavens.
I’m not asking for perfection. I’m asking for aspiration. I’m asking for an end to the iconoclasm. Must everything be blasphemed?
Give me someone who is undramatic and basic and ordinarily good.
Bring back leaders who inspire and pull us higher because they have something higher than themselves in their mind’s eye. Something higher than rot and wrath and the ruin of those who oppose them.
Give me a head of state who’s a stately head, graceful, gracious, and graced. Give me an icon for president.